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Body Image: Your Mom Feels “Fat” Too

Somewhere, we learn that skinny is beautiful. By nature, “skinny” just doesn’t work for everybody. When it doesn’t, our weight conscious culture can detrimentally…

Fit for You Feature

Fitness: Make It Fit for You

We all know that fitness is important, but sometimes squeezing it into our busy schedules just seems too difficult. Personally, I’m lucky – I love to run! Many people might…


Part Om. Part Aerialist.

What is this, you ask? Why, it’s aerial yoga!  Aerial yoga combines traditional yoga with the aerial arts. In this fun twist on a classic…


Easy Holiday Detox Plan

So here you are, sitting at your desk, back to the grindstone after a long holiday weekend. If you are anything like me, you…


Vinyasa, Bikram…Say What?

Friends and family are always asking me about my yoga practice, wanting to know what type I do, how to do certain poses and…

Yoga Stretching

Quick Fixes for Body Pain

Minor aches and pains from working out seem to occur frequently for us fit girls, putting a damper on our healthy lifestyle. Some workouts…