

Lifestyle Tips & Tricks: 98 and ¾ Percent Guaranteed

No one should forego a bikini on the beach (or that secret speedo in the back of your drawer… I’m looking at you, guys)….


For the Love of Food

I love food. Seriously, I love food. But some of us eat without enjoying a quality meal or benefitting from healthy ingredients. For some who are stressed…

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Raising the Barre On Your Workouts

Admit it, you’re tired of the elliptical. And while you’re being honest, you’re kind of over the treadmill, stair stepper, and most other standard…


Write for the Soul

Bound by tiny locks, hidden under mattresses, or stuck behind books on an overflowing shelf laid once laid our most prized possessions: our thoughts….


Up and At ‘em

Just do it. Up and at ‘em. Carpe diem. Simple, powerful statements that are easier said than done, right? I’ve always been pretty OK…


Keep it real and keep on cookin’

While skimming Australia’s version of Women’s Fitness magazine (which by the way is so much better than our American counterpart, IMO), I was shocked…

SweetLemonmag - sunglasses

Summer Sun Safety – Eye Edition

There is so much hype about sunscreen and sunblock. Every magazine you open has something mentioning the dangers of sun damage – and for…