For the Love of Food


I love food. Seriously, I love food. But some of us eat without enjoying a quality meal or benefitting from healthy ingredients. For some who are stressed or overly busy, eating is often a relief or a reward. When we’re stranded at our desks, we snack. When we’re facing emotional challenges, we indulge. We find every excuse to eat something that should be an occasional treat. It’s Monday, it’s Friday, it’s someone’s birthday, we worked really hard today or yesterday, or we have something big to work on tomorrow – there is always an excuse. We indulge, but do we enjoy? Are we helping our bodies?

When you pick up your morning coffee, you’re presented with a display case full of amazing treats, and when you finish a meal, you’re promptly presented with a delectable dessert menu. When you meet up for drinks, that menu of gourmet pub snacks is simply irresistible, especially after a long day. Irresistibly snackable, but quality? Do we overeat without even thinking about it? Don’t get me wrong – I have the biggest sweet tooth of anyone, and I’m not here to say that we should never enjoy that treat we love. What we need is to be aware. Why are we eating? Are we hungry, do we truly enjoy the taste of something, or do we just to eat?

We must take responsibility for our eating habits. We must get rid of the disconnect that we have with our food. If we are educated about our food, we will make more educated choices. Many people are now buying more locally-grown foods. They’re are getting weekly fruit and vegetable boxes from the community co-op or are even growing a few things themselves, whether it be an herb garden on the window sill or a small patch of veggies in an urban-style garden. Individuals are taking it upon themselves to understand from where their food comes. Who grew it? Did the grower use harmful pesticides? How far did it travel before it reached the local shop?


Another thing that we can do to be an active participant in our food is to take a little more time to cook for ourselves! No, I’m not crazy. Trust me – if I can do it, you can do it too. There are many nutritious meals that can be made quickly and easily. Invest time in finding a few key recipes that can often be expanded upon, duplicated and modified to add variety to your eating. It will probably take less time to prepare something than that subway ride, walk, or drive to pick up something prepared by someone else, somewhere else. Other benefits: you will already be at home when you’re finished and you can use your new skills to invite friends over for a dinner party! You’ll also know exactly what’s going into your food, for a change. Most importantly, preparing food can be a fun way to unwind after a long day!

I’ve learned to love trying new foods, experimenting with new recipes, and picking up new cooking techniques. It’s a new way to challenge myself, and the reward isn’t just an sense of accomplishment – it’s the meal itself!  It’s fun to venture out to local markets to find new ingredients – or even try an ingredient just to find a new way to use it! It doesn’t have to be difficult, and it can be fun to share recipes or to cook with friends. It makes food what it should be: a central part of culture, nutritious fuel for our bodies and a way for people to connect.

By Amber Lee Rosenzweig

healthy mealslocal ingredientslocally-grown
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  • Reply August 3, 2013

    Zoe Bjornson

    Wow – totally true. I’m a food lover too and sometimes I find myself eating just because I like to eat when I’m watching TV. But why am I eating? WHAT am I eating? These are some questions I should ask myself more – even if the answer is just ‘Because it tastes good!’

  • Reply August 4, 2013


    Great Article, Amber!

    I think the society as a whole needs to re-evaluate the relationship with food. In America today, so much of easy-access food is readily available, and consumption of easy food became a habit.

    I hypothesize that such culture lies under the record-breaking obesity rate and various forms of eating disorder affecting too many individuals.

    IMO, although one may not necessarily fall into eating disorder category according to DSM-V, it is still important to take time to reflect upon how we are thinking about food in general.

    Cooking definitely helps to better understand nutrition and appreciate & savor the food. And above all, it is FUN!!!