Moving On
“Some people think that it’s holding on that makes one strong; sometimes it’s letting go.” -unknown It’s rare to be in your twenties without…
“Some people think that it’s holding on that makes one strong; sometimes it’s letting go.” -unknown It’s rare to be in your twenties without…
Yeah it’s not a typo. I haven’t been on a date in approximately 97 days. That means the last time I was on an…
Every girl tends to have a fascination with pizza. And if you are anything like my friends and I, the word pizza is used…
If your family is anything like my family, your grandmother (or mother… or both) has turned to you at least once (a week) and…
I’m beginning to learn that I’m a magnet for jaw-dropping, video-or-it-didn’t-happen, scenarios. The first of these that I wrote about I thought was just bad dating…
Single, looking to cozy up to someone this winter, but not so much into the online dating scene? The girls of The Dating Ring…
Dear Jack, My boyfriend and I just celebrated two years and I still have not met his parents yet. Granted, his “home” is about 1,000 miles…
Dear Jack, Is this guy trying to blow me off? We had gone on some dates over the past two weeks — he…
Dear Jack- One of my boyfriend’s best friends is a girl he went to college with – she was a sweetheart for his fraternity…
Team – Thanks for the response to my last post. Spoiler alert: most girls want a guy that has a solid head on his…