Single? Meet The Dating Ring

Single, looking to cozy up to someone this winter, but not so much into the online dating scene?

The girls of The Dating Ring are putting a new twist on the online dating scene. Think the matchmaker in Mulan – minus her scary, ominous presence — with an amazing online Rolodex of potential matches.

Emma and Lauren immediately feel like your best friends, which is good because who doesn’t want to feel like they’re constantly being set up by their best friend? And the basic idea behind The Dating Ring is just that: get off your computer, stop spending time writing down your interests in Arrested Development (but not the Netflix season) and how much you love traveling, and let your friends set you up. They explain it better than I can tell it, of course, in our most recent segment of Sweet Lemon TV. Also in there: The Dating Ring’s dating tips — including what not to do one the first date. Yeah, you’ll probably need that information.

Check it out:


online datingThe Dating Ring
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