5 Ways Travel Can Benefit Your Life

Travelling to exotic and far-flung places across the world can be one of the most exciting experiences that one can be treated too. The feeling when the plane touches down in a foreign land is one of jubilation, with maybe a few nerves added in for good measure. I’ve been fortunate to travel to many of the world’s countries and often think of how travel has enriched my life.


So how can travel benefit your life?

Travel can broaden your mind - At times it may be hard to see further outside the village, town or city that you currently live in. Taking a step out of your comfort zone and travelling to another country can broaden your mind, opening your life to a wide range of possibilities. The first time I travelled abroad I couldn’t believe how big the world actually was, and from that moment on I had the travel bug.

Travel provides experiences of other cultures - What can be better than to experience how other individuals live their daily lives? When travelling, I love to see and experience how the locals live. It’s always great to visit restaurants off the tourist track, experience local culture and nightlife, and find out more about the history of the area that you have landed in. Whenever I travel, the first night is always dedicated to a gentle, fact-finding walk around the neighborhood.

Travel can improve your resume - Why not investigate a gap year volunteering in another country, or apply for a work placement abroad? I travelled to Washington, DC for an internship in the US House of Representatives, and the experience has made my resume stand out.

Travel encourages you to try new things - Travel offers the opportunity to step out of your comfort zone, and embrace the chance to try new things. A friend of mine decided to bungee jump when she was in Australia, and I tried the less scary and more relaxing option of yachting when I was on the Cape. This is where new memories can be made!

Travel helps to clear your mind and press ‘reset’ on your dreams and priorities - I’ve got a definite case of wanderlust, and whenever I travel, the time away helps me to press reset on my dreams and priorities, reassessing the direction I want to take all areas of my life. Time away from a stressful job or busy home life is precious, the change of scenery often providing the mental and physical space to reflect on important decisions. I returned from my recent trip away ready to take on the decisions in my life that I had been putting off, the time across the ocean, providing me with the thinking space that I needed.

How has travel benefitted your life? We’d love to know! Just tag Sweet Lemon Mag on , or !



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