Want to Travel? Let Yana Kemelman Be Your Guide!

via CambodiaDream.com

via CambodiaDream.com

There are often two problems with travel for twenty somethings today: we just don’t have the time to take to plan and book a trip, and we do everything super last minute because we have no idea where we may even be living in oh, say, a month? Especially if you’re part of the international crowd, travel opportunities abound, but these are always the limiting factors.

In steps -->Yana Kemelman -->, a former finance worker in New York City, who after moving there with her family from Russia in the mid nineties traveled to more countries and discovered more off the beaten path places than most of us can ever dream of. She found herself doling out recommendations for friends and family for their travels. After some thought she decided to give it a try as a business.

Yana is far from your average travel agent. There will be no large groups or bus tours on one of her trips. Instead, think customized to your needs and super personal – it’s her specialty and with such a large travel repertoire of her own she’s able to source from places, locations, and events that may have never crossed your mind, and are just the perfect trip that you never even knew existed.

So here’s how it works. Anyone who’s interested in traveling and exploring the world can reach out to her. It all starts with an initial call to get a better understanding of what the client’s interests are, what type of trip they’d like to take, if they have a particular area that they’re interested in, and how long they’d like to go for. The consult does come with a $250 fee. She makes some suggestions based on this and there’s a bit of back and forth. The end product is a travel itinerary that arrives via email for the client to choose the final destination, hotels, activities, and airfare options. After the final choices are made the deal is sealed, so to speak, with a credit card payment for all of the bookings as well as fee for the services provided.

She has lots of satisfied customers who have enjoyed experiences on the beaches of Chiang Mai, eating street food in Bangkok, riding scooters around the city, even attending a Thai cooking school. If your’re interested in some help planning your next amazing adventure you can find out more on Obliko Morale here.

On Yana’s Travels

Solo or with others?

Solo at times but mostly with friends

Best travel companion?


Favorite country to visit?


Favorite city to visit?


Tourist attraction actually worth going to?

Angkor Wat

Best place to visit for the food?

Spain and Thailand

Favorite vacation activity?

Walking around and getting lost

One thing I always pack…


Most memorable trip?

Riding through Siem Reap, Cambodia on a back of a motorcycle

Favorite time of year to travel?


Best souvenir you’ve ever brought home?

Shells from a beach in Panama and of course food from all over the world



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