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Five Music Festivals for Fall

Great news, music fans – there is life after Lolla! Even as summer fades to fall, the music festival refuses to quit. Mainstream and diverse…

Potentially creepy that Ali is the only person popping up on my subscribed people? I swear I'm not overly obsessed with my editor. #TeamAli

Lazify your listening experience

Calling all lazy listeners! Though I love making playlists, and do it almost weekly for SLM, sometimes I get tired of being my own DJ. Sometimes…


Ed Sheeran’s Guitars for Good

Musicians have long used their celebrity to support humanitarian causes – from Live Aid to Bono’s longstanding advocacy for Africa. Now singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran has…


Latest Tracks

We all have those artists/bands where we search and YouTube their songs and covers endlessly waiting for them to come out with a new…


Sweet Lemon love songs

It’s still summer, and that can mean only one thing… Yes, it’s wedding season. Inspired by a good friend of mine’s wedding this weekend,…