
Freshly Squeezed Daily News
October Apple Pie

October Apple Pie

The other night we had guests over after dinner to play board games. When I offered everyone a slice of the apple pie I’d…

Snow White

The New Snow

(image via…) My mom told me that one of the first decorations she bought for my nursery was the movie poster for Snow White….


The Top 5: Paris

When planning a trip to Paris, it can be particularly overwhelming given the city’s abundance of beautiful buildings, museums, parks, restaurants, and shops. The…

Married... now what?

Got Married… Now What?

  The author and her groom, Colin First of all, YAY! So you got married! You tied the knot, you took the leap, you…

The Importance of Being Alone

The Importance of Being Alone

(image via…) Being alone and being lonely are too very different things. However, people often equate them to be practically the same. But this…

Stila Lip Stain review

Product Review: Stila Lip Stain

Sometimes the best accessory can be found in the least obvious of places…your lips! I’m the type of girl that will usually go for…

Taking risks

Taking Chances, Taking Risks

Before graduating from college and entering “the real world,” I thought everyone with a degree was guaranteed to find a job in their chosen…

Rings galore

Ring Connoisseur, I Am

Maybe it’s silly, but none of my outfits feel complete without the special touch of a statement ring. On any given day, you can…

Unapologetic Bookworm

The Unapologetic Bookworm

I will be the first to admit that my summer reading list was not a huge success. I finished maybe half a dozen books,…

pumpkin risotto

Pumpkin Risotto

The past couple years have seen an influx of pumpkin recipes, from pumpkin brownies to pumpkin bread to pumpkin lattes. I’m not sure if…