The "Type A" Girl’s Guide to Relaxation


Like many “Type A” women, I’m a bit too hard on myself. I’ve suffered from “perfectionist syndrome” all of my life, which has caused me to be an obsessive goal maker, not to mention a serial over thinker. Luckily, I’ve developed the ability to recognize when I’m being a little too “OCD,” and when I have this realization, I like to remind myself that no one is perfect and life is too short to sweat the small stuff (cliché, but true). If you’re a “Type A” personality like me, then you’re in luck; I’ve compiled a list of guilt-free ways to relax (and still feel productive!).

1. Read a book. In our technology-addicted society, reading an old-fashioned book is practically unheard of, but to me, there’s nothing more relaxing than curling up with a cup of tea and cracking open a good novel. Choose a book that interests you and commit to reading a little bit each day. You’ll not only feel more content, but you’ll also be learning, growing and expanding your view of the world.

2. Hit the gym. Or the trail. Or the yoga mat. However you prefer to break a sweat, make it a daily priority (and yes, you can even write it down in your planner or schedule it on your Google Calendar). Exercise is not only an excellent way to de-stress, but it also releases endorphins, the “feel good” chemicals that make you feel like queen of the world. What’s not to love about that?

3. Pamper yourself. Whether it’s a weekly manicure or massage, every woman deserves to be pampered. So give yourself a facial. Sneak in an afternoon nap. Soak in the tub (perhaps even with a glass of wine!). Sleep in on the weekends. Lounge around the house (without makeup). Take time out of your busy schedule to take care of you and only you.

4. Watch TV. As a recovering Real Housewives addict, I make a conscious effort to limit my daily television exposure. However, I also find watching TV to be incredibly therapeutic. So, treat yourself to watching one or two television shows per week (my newest addiction is The Voice) and enjoy every guilt-free minute of it.

5. Eat Chocolate. I’m a firm believer that chocolate should be its own food group, so if you’re a fellow chocoholic, I encourage you to indulge in it every day! Dark chocolate is my preferred variety, as it’s full of antioxidants, but milk chocolate is also a delicious choice. Enjoy your favorite flavor with a cup of coffee and savor every single bite.

So, the next time you’re feeling a little frazzled, why not de-stress with any one of these fun, fulfilling activities? After all, your to-do list will be there tomorrow. Do something for YOU today!


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