
Taking risks

Taking Chances, Taking Risks

Before graduating from college and entering “the real world,” I thought everyone with a degree was guaranteed to find a job in their chosen…

Unapologetic Bookworm

The Unapologetic Bookworm

I will be the first to admit that my summer reading list was not a huge success. I finished maybe half a dozen books,…

Online IRL

Online to IRL

I try to live my life as a series of firsts, so I don’t get stuck in a rut. With that being said, I…

Who to be for Halloween

Who To Be For Halloween

I have always loved Halloween. I think I have more fun putting the outfit together than I do going to the party. I’m still…

Can't stop, won't stop

Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop

Y.U.N.G. Harlem founders Tiffany Bender and Alize Beal Last month, while I having dinner with my best friend, Alize Beal, I got the phone…

Be the type of person you want to meet

It’s The Little Things

Earlier this week, while on my Pinterest, I came cross this quote that Paris Rouzati, Sweet Lemon Magazine’s Co-Founder & Creative Director, pinned. It…

Home decor envy

Home Décor Envy

This past weekend I came down with a bad case of home décor envy. The hubby and I stopped by our friends’ house for…

Cohabitating made simple

Co-Habitation Made Simple

Are you and your man living together for the first time? I know co-habitation can be a challenge, so here are a few simple…