
Two Ways to Beet It

Two Ways to Beet It

Is it just me or are beets suddenly in vogue? Beets were never an appealing food to me, always appearing cold and grossly gelatinous….

Plated Box

Plated: a Fresh Take on the Subscription Box

image via Plated Ever since the advent of Birchbox, we’ve been addicted to all things subscription box. Which is why our inner foodie jumped for…

Stress Free Holiday

How to Enjoy a Stress-Free Holiday Season

With all the hustle and bustle, sometimes it’s difficult to actually enjoy the holidays. Here are some ways you can avoid the stress and…

Not Giving Up

On Giving Up

When I graduated from college at the tender age of 21, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life. I had…


To My Fellow Non-Supermodels

Dear Fellow Non-Supermodels, In the words of Mindy Kaling, “My BMI’s not great… But I’m not like Precious or anything!” Like most of you,…

Single during the holidays

How to Survive the Holiday Season While Single

‘Tis the season for presents wrapped in bows, hot chocolate…and dodging relatives’ questions about your romantic life while your Facebook news feed blows up…

Coat Shopping

The 4 Factors of Coat Shopping

The author wrapped in her favorite winter coat. Squirrels in the parks and forests bound from branch to branch, tails buoyant in the crisp…