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Summer’s Superfood: Kale

Kale is the talk of the town this summer. If you haven’t already been eating it, you have surely heard about it. Smoothies, chips,…


The Scoop on Chia Seeds

Go to your local health foods store and you will undoubtably cross paths with the newest health craze: the chia seed. Rewind 10 years…


Strawberry Pretzel Parfait

Recently I’ve been chowing down on yogurt bowls for breakfast … and dessert. More so for dessert. I wanted to take the occasions I…


Austin: 24/7 Eats

What time is it? Who cares?! Some of Austin’s greatest diners are open ‘round the clock… 24/7. Basically anytime you want food, they’re there…


For the Love of Food

I love food. Seriously, I love food. But some of us eat without enjoying a quality meal or benefitting from healthy ingredients. For some who are stressed…


Strawberry Oatmeal Cookie Bars

Especially in the summertime, I constantly look for something to satisfy my sweet tooth without too much hassle. Who wants to stand over the…