Meet Chef Lucia Robles: Providing The Mouth-Watering Gifts You Want


As a foodie, I’m always on the lookout for the next greatest recipe, food inspiration, dessert—you name it! In fact, I spend some of my free time watching cooking shows. So when I came across Chef Lucia Robles, chef and founder of Lucia & Co.,  I was highly intrigued. Not only does she have a multi-faceted background, but she has some truly interesting experiences from starring in a Diet Coke commercial with Chef Tom Colicchio to also starring in a Taco Bell commercial. This is all in addition to running her successful business! It was truly an honor to have the opportunity to interview her. Read on to learn more!

SLM: Tell our readers a bit more about your business and what you do. What do you love most about it?

Lucia: We help our clients save time by offering unique gourmet business gifts and custom monthly gift plans to help them stay in touch with their most valued clients. I love product development and creating new flavors and treats that can stay fresh and enjoyable through shipping. I also love collaborating with my clients so they look like rock stars! My clients are fun people I get to work with every day.

SLM: How did you get your start; what sparked your interest in the field?

Lucia: I got my start as a pastry chef working in local hotels and restaurants. I really started my business as a hobby, not thinking I would be here 10 years later. Although I spent some time dabbling in typical avenues like catering and private chef services, the gift box business was really growing all by itself in high demand from our clients all along. Originally starting out as gift baskets, we transitioned into gift boxes and have been having a great time doing it ever since.


SLM: I read about your Diet Coke commercial with Chef Tom Colicchio. How was that experience?

Lucia: It was really a lot of fun! again, not something I thought I would end up doing. I auditioned for fun and booked it. And I was shocked when production called and told me they wanted me! I was originally supposed to be one of the chefs in the background and over the course of the first day, they made some changes to the spot which resulted in me being in the foreground in a great dress!

SLM: We all love TLC, so what was it like being on Fabulous Cakes?

Lucia: It was a lot of fun and stressful at the same time. We had a short amount of time to turn out this massive, beautiful, delicious engagement cake that weighed over 125 pounds! Long days, but well worth it in the end. I got to work with a friend I went to school with and made new friends. Funny story: while making all the realistic flowers for the cake, my friend Grace Chun said to me, “Be careful when you’re using the paint gun and coloring the flowers. If you don’t use a mask you’ll end up with hot pink snot the next time you blow your nose.” I didn’t believe her, totally thought I was being careful anyway, and ended up with hot pink stuff in my nose for the next three days!

SLM: You were also in a Taco Bell commercial. How did you get involved with that?

Lucia: They were looking for chefs, so I auditioned. That was a fun spot and long days as well with lots of great food everywhere to eat! It was a great opportunity to meet other chefs, there were five of us total, and to work with Chef Lorena Garcia. I’ve kept in touch with some of the chefs, we’re all on Facebook, and auditioned for other chef spots with them as well. A year later at a holiday party, I ran into the Taco Bell execs that hired us and were there during the filming. Small world.

SLM: What are some of your hobbies, outside of work of course?

Lucia: I live and die for movies and live music! I love going to see shows and theater. Other artists inspire me.

SLM: What advice can you give some of our aspiring chefs and bakers?

Lucia: Don’t listen to other people’s dreams and what makes sense to them. Do what makes you happy and worry about the rest later. It always works out.

SLM: When life gives you lemons, you?

Lucia: I soooo make lemonade!

Thanks again to Chef Lucia for an amazing interview. Her site is pretty drool-worthy, wouldn’t you say? How are you pursuing your foodie aspirations? Let us know in the comments section below!


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1 Comment

  • Reply September 12, 2014

    Visnaya F.

    This is a great interview, thanks!