Sponsored: The Perfect Margarita with Sauza Blue

Over here at Sweet Lemon, we love a good cocktail. Mojitos, Pimm’s cup, brass monkey – you name it, we’re there. With summer coming to a close, we know there are a few drinks that just aren’t exactly acceptable to sip on post-Labor Day. While we’re working on changing that little problem with society, there’s one drink we’ve found to be acceptable to enjoy all year round: the margarita. Whether you make it with blood oranges or agave, the essential part of a good margarita is obviously great tequila. Enter Sauza Blue Silver tequila. Check out the video below for how to (watch a super cute cowboy) make the perfect margarita.

Okay, so how do we sign up? The Sweet Lemon team definitely needs a little relaxer right about now. Just kidding, we can make our own delicious margaritas, but a manly man on the side wouldn’t hurt.

Sweet Lemon’s Sauza Blue Agave Margarita


- 1 can of frozen limeade (12 oz)

- 1 can of your favorite beer (12 oz)

- 12 oz of Sauza Blue tequila

- 12 oz of water

- 1 lime

- 2 tablespoons agave nectar/syrup

- salt

- ice


1. Play ‘Sauza Blue: Make It With A Cowboy – The Cowboy Way’ video.

2. Add limeade, beer, tequila, agave and water to pitcher. Stir (or shake).

3. Add salt to the rims of your favorite margarita glasses.

4. Pour over ice and garnish with lime.

5. Enjoy with your cowboy (or cowgirl).

Simple enough, right? We hope you enjoy your Sauza Blue margarita through all of the seasons.

To see more Sauza Tequila videos, check out their YouTube channel.


This post has been sponsored by Sauza Tequila, but concerns our own opinion.

margaritassauza bluesponsoredtequila
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