
Motivational Quote

Add and Subtract

Thanks to Hurricane Sandy, my apartment was without electricity, cable, Internet, and hot water during the week of Halloween. Lower Manhattan was a total…

Picture Perfect Pose

Picture Perfect Pose

In an age of iPhones, Facebook, and Instagram, it’s impossible to avoid having your picture taken or shared with the world. You would think…

Puppy love

Puppy Love

I have had pets my entire life. My first two were a basset hound and Doberman, my dad’s childhood pets. They were still around, for…

Letter to a Younger Me

A Letter to 20-Year-Ol​d Me

Me, at 21-years-old, wearing a ridiculous shirt with some sort of sequined happy trail, white capri pants, glitter lotion and giant pink sunglasses…I guess…

People to Avoid

Five People To Avoid in Life

Throughout life, you’ll meet your fair share of friends and foes. And sometimes you’ll find that you are surrounding yourself with someone who you…

A Healthy Lifestyle

A Healthy Lifestyle

Yesterday I realized that in 8 weeks, I’ll be flying to Miami for my best friend’s sister’s wedding and that if I want to…

Modern English Teacher

Modern English Teacher

tank // jacket // skirt // earrings // tote // flats You may remember from my first post here on the Zesty Digest, From…

Splurge worthy beauty products

Splurge-W​orthy Beauty Products

  I am a self-proclaimed product junky. As a result, I have a mix of high- and low-priced products in my arsenal, and am…