A Healthy Lifestyle

A Healthy Lifestyle

Yesterday I realized that in 8 weeks, I’ll be flying to Miami for my best friend’s sister’s wedding and that if I want to fit into my dress I have to drop a few pounds. But this time, I do not want to go on a crash diet, starve myself or take appetite suppressant pills. This time I want to do it the healthy way. I decided to make some changes not only to my diet but also to my lifestyle. They say when you want to lose weight, it’s 80% diet and 20% exercise. Scientifically it has been proven that it takes 21 days for a habit to be formed. If I can eat healthy for 21 days, then perhaps I can make living healthy a habit for myself. For the next 8 weeks, I will be having boiled chicken and grilled fish for lunch and dinner. For breakfast I’ll be having fruits, cereal or toast with Laughing Cow cheese. However, I will not kill my sweet tooth. I have decided to have a piece of cake or chocolate everyday so I don’t crave the need to go off track. Since I’m not a gym person, I have decided to park my car half an hour away from my class and walk to and from class. I’ll be doing that 3 times a week. I also joined my sports club so I can take aerobics classes whenever I have time. This way I won’t be stressing myself with workouts and will enjoy my cardio sessions more. I’ve also made some other changes too:

1. Drink green tea every morning and every night before I sleep.
2. Take probiotics once a day.
3. Take vitamins. I also downloaded My Fitness Pal on my iphone. I use this application to count my calories. I am trying to stick to a 1200 calorie per day diet 6 days a week!

This plan may not work for everyone but I hope it works for me! I will let you know if I reach my goal.


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