
Dear Jack Sweet Lemon

Dear Jack: Blown Off?

  Dear Jack, Is this guy trying to blow me off?  We had gone on some dates over the past two weeks — he…

Dear Jack Sweet Lemon

Dear Jack: BFFs?!

Dear Jack- One of my boyfriend’s best friends is a girl he went to college with – she was a sweetheart for his fraternity…

{“Students of Ann Taylor” campaign in college}

13 Steps Toward Your Dream Job

If you get started now, taking your career to the next level doesn’t have to be as daunting as you may imagine. Whether you…

Dear Jack Sweet Lemon

Dear Jack: Is he my +1?

My boyfriend and I met this past Memorial Day at a mutual friend’s lake house, so we have been dating about 3 months now….

Dear Jack Sweet Lemon

Jack Lemon has a question

So guys we have been going strong now for the past couple of months and I figured, Jack Lemon should get to ask a…