Three bands to help you get your Fall on


The air is really – finally – feeling like fall. This time of year calls for plaid, apples, all things pumpkin, and the perfect playlist.

While I obsessively arrange my perfect Fall 2013 sampler for you, I wanted to go ahead and at least point out some awesome bands that remind me of Fall. Rest assured, with the release of a few more songs fit for this season, my fall sampler will be complete. Until then check out these three bands that remind me of my favorite season – and keep following us on Spotify for playlists perfect for every season.

Fleet Foxes

This is my number one band to listen to as the days get shorter, and the trees grow bare. This music is beautiful, and cannot help but make me feel like I’m on a trip to the mountains. .

The Avett Brothers

Love, love, love these guys. I may be slightly partial, as these brothers are fellow North Carolinians, but nonetheless they make music perfect for cuddling up with that special someone or sharing a bonfire with friends. Check out their new album, Magpie and the Dandelion, and if you’re interested in testing the waters.


I am obsessed with this band. Lately I have been listening to their album, The Clearing, on repeat, and I don’t plan to stop any time soon. Full disclosure: this is another North Carolina band (sorry I’m not sorry), that was even formed in my hometown. But they weren’t chosen out of bias –  this group is amazing, and one hundred percent underrated. if you want to hear some absolutely gorgeous music.

So in the coming days, as the air gets cooler, and you’re craving some music to match, check out these three bands. I promise you will not be sorry. Stay tuned for my entire Fall sampler in the coming weeks (or check out Fall 2012′s Sampler in the meantime), if you want more where this came from!

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