The Miley-Mumford Mashup You May Not Want To Miss

Hey Miley, where was this piece during the VMAs?

Ever since Hannah Montana, we knew you could sing. No secret here, your pop anthems make us dance and sing along (4th of July will never be the same post-‘Party in the USA’), but your newest album has certainly taken a different turn. (Read our review here) The highly promoted singles “We Can’t Stop” and “Wrecking Ball” shocked us, made us tweet, and wouldn’t stay out of our heads.

But that leaves us with this question. Where has this gem been hiding? “Little Wrecking Ball” is a slowed down, personal look at your new look and tells a story of romance, not just minimal clothing.

You’ve won my heart with this one. How did you do it? Take one dose of your singing voice, your passion, and the opening melody. Remove the distracting naked scenes, and sprinkle in the incredible acoustics of Mumford and Sons. Top it off with the lyrics of your famous (infamous?) Wrecking Ball, but the melody, instruments and descants from Mumford & Son’s “Little Lion Man,” and voila. Pure genius.

My Take? This shows a whole different kind of Miley. This mashup gives us a clear view that this is an honest artist presenting her lyrics and story, without the distractions and fanfare canvassing her Bangerz album. This is a girl our age, telling the story of heartbreak, and whoever created this brilliance saw a hidden gem under all that crazy.

So Miley, since everyone else has given their two cents,  can I ask why the song wasn’t presented this way originally? You don’t need to be naked to get people’s attention.


Featured image via Kiss Them Goodbye

bangerzlittle wrecking ballmileymumford & sonswrecking ball
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