1D is leaked, all girls rejoice

In case you didn’t hear from your 12 year old cousin (or your not-so-secretly 1D obsessed college friends), the One Direction album, Midnight Memories, leaked yesterday. The boy band’s third album was set for release on November 25th; however, once the interwebs got ahold of this one, there was no letting go.

The album definitely shows how the boys are growing up. There are Rolling Stones’ rock vibes, and even a bit of Mumford in Sons, throughout the album, along with a number of slow ballads. While the guys find the leak “annoying” and “frustrating,” we can’t help but let our inner school girls scream with joy and put the tunes on repeat for the rest of the week.

Some of our faves are “Little Black Dress,” “Little White Lies” and “Through the Dark.” Of course, we can’t forget about the tear-jerking video. What about you? Let us know in the comments below and share the !

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