How to Stay Motivated During Your Run

We’ve all heard the endless health benefits of running. It’s the fastest way to lose weight. It’s the greatest way to tone up your legs. But all these benefits rest under the assumption that a forty-five minute nonstop run is a simple and easy daily activity for most people. And we all know that’s not always the case. I myself have had a rocky relationship with running throughout the years. Just like any relationship, the passion there in the beginning quickly sizzled out. I got bored and tired with my daily run. The excitement of getting in shape faded. But eventually, I figured out how to spice things up and reignite that passion. So to those struggling to start or maintain a relationship with running, here are my best tips to really commit to running during your time together:

  1. Remember, the first mile hates everyone. The first mile is selfish and moody. It is never very welcoming, especially to new comers. So ignore her, run past her, to greet the second mile. The second mile will be easier to get along with. Just face that temperamental first mile fiercely, to gain your steady and stronger pace in the next.
  2. Save your most inspirational music until it’s absolutely necessary. When I say absolutely necessary, I mean when you are coming up with every excuse to turn that jog into a walk. When all you can think about is how much your legs hurt. That’s when it’s time to turn up those motivating songs, whether it’s Springsteen or Katy Perry.
  3. Keep your mind off the actual run. When you start thinking about how hard it is or how brutal that upcoming hill looks, you are setting yourself up for failure. Let your mind wander to other things to distract yourself from the actual physical activity of the run. It’s a conscious effort that will seriously help.
  4. Don’t run in circles. If your goal is an hour run, run 30 minutes away from your house. So even if you want to quit after those 30 minutes, you have no other option but to go all the way back, run or walk. This will offer a change of scenery that will keep you more distracted.
  5. Imagine yourself achieving your fitness goal. If you’re training for a marathon, picture yourself on the final stretch of that race with everyone cheering you on. Use this positive energy to inspire you to keep going strong.
  6. Don’t take the same route every day. Just like any activity or any relationship, the same thing every day will quickly lose its magic. The monotony will bore you and make it easier for you to come up with excuses to quit. So spice it up, baby.
How to Stay Motivated During Your Run

Now, next time you get frustrated and think it’s time to end your relationship with running, keep these few tips in mind. Remember, every relationship requires a little work. And most importantly, no want wants to be the girl spotted on the roadside shamefully walking back home in defeat. So, stay strong and just keep running. You won’t regret it.

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