DIY: Rolled Cloth Flower Wreath

DIY Wreath

The big day is upon us; family will be descending upon my humble abode with visions of turkey and gravy dancing in their heads when I realize they will be greeted by an utterly naked front door.

Go, Go, Gadget: Craft maker!

It’s time to get my DIY on and take a sad door and make it happy. Also, it’s time to use the grapevine wreath and bittersweet picks that were unearthed in the craft pile. Those pesky Target dollar bins can be dangerous. Am I right?

All that was needed was some fabric (special thanks to my Mother for never, ever, ever throwing out a scrap of fabric), a little glue, and a whole lot of patients.

I followed the tutorial over on Our Best Bites and I think I ended up gluing my fingers together more than I did the cloth flowers I struggled to make (my fault, not the girls over at Our Best Bites – they rock!). I had visions of a wreath adorned with colorful flowers (much like the one in the tutorial) hanging majestically on my front door, but by the time I got four (tiny) flowers made my creative juices were zapped, my patients frazzled and my fingers glued together.

I’m not good with things that try my patience and cause my fingers to stick together. One or the other I can handle and trudge through – but both? Just. Not. Happening. This could explain why I have a half finished mosaic tray that I haven’t worked on in years.

Sticky things that try my patients are icky.

All that being said, I think I will try to make rolled cloth flowers again (I really want to create a big beautiful wreath filled with amazing flowers), but I’ll probably do it some day when I’m not staring down the barrel of the impending arrival of my relatives. So if anyone asks, I was going for small and tasteful this year, okay?

What do you put on your front door during the holidays?


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