Dear Jack


Hey Jack,

I have been seeing a guy for about 3 months now, my roommates are finally out of town and we usually go over to his place for dinner and drinks, he has been over before, but I am not that great of a cook and really have no clue what to do – he suggested and I agreed.
Thanks for the help,
Hey Helpless Hannah,
Ok, so let me guess the only time he has really seen your house is ducking out of after an aggressive Thursday happy hour turned into dinner and drinks and then more drinks, right…? (I don’t judge)
So, he wants to have a date at your place. Congrats! You obviously listened to me and the guy stuck around right…? Now, let’s run over a quick game plan.
  1. Clean your house/apartment - i.e. bathroom trashcans – no one wants to see hygiene products, your roommates nasty brush that has about a year worth of hair in it, etc. I know you love that monkey you slept with since you were 4 but consider putting him away for this date.
  2. Food - so you aren’t a homemaker ( I get that). But if you can cook something and cook it well try that, but run it by him first. A simple, “what do you think about baked ziti” will suffice. Being from the South my mother raised me to never “test run” a meal on a guest. It is just plain rude. But in your case we are going with Plan B. Pick up Whole Foods, HEB, or Central Market and heat it up.
  3. Booze - you are going to need some and by some I mean a shit ton. Take this opportunity to score some style points. If he is a beer guy, go pick up a 6-pack of Shiner or Abita seasonal. If he likes bourbon go with Bulleit or Buffalo Trace and show him you have a bit of “Little Miss Whiskey” in you. Never go with the typical Bud Light or Jim Beam.mbband

 Check out the Morrison Brother’s video for “Little Miss Whiskey” to get some courage (and take notes) before you invite him over. 

This should help,
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