

Long-Distance Love

Wait: long-distance? But I’m married, right? (I am.) Yes, well. Sad to say that our first married Valentine’s Day will be celebrated from afar…


How Not to Do Yoga

{image via} Have you been thinking about trying yoga? Are you worried about what it would mean to try and fail? Recently I purchased…


POM Power… Cold Buster!

There is a nasty bug going around right now and I am not about to catch it. I had tons of students out sick…

grilled fish

Dinner Made Easy: Bruschetta with Grilled Fish

The majority of us live busy lives, leaving very little time for us to actually cook a decent healthy meal for ourselves and our…

Sweet Lemon

Sweet Lemon Workout Mix

Hey you, over there struggling on the treadmill. Yes, you. I see you, and I know you. You’re one of the New Year’s “Resolutioners”…

New Year New You

(image via…) The holidays can be a whirlwind of shopping, wrapping gifts, traveling, and entertaining. But with 2013 right around the corner, it’s important…


To My Fellow Non-Supermodels

Dear Fellow Non-Supermodels, In the words of Mindy Kaling, “My BMI’s not great… But I’m not like Precious or anything!” Like most of you,…

Brussels Sprouts

Brussel Sprouts aren’t Icky?!

I’d never eaten a brussels sprout until last week. To me they were always considered one of those super icky vegetables that even adults…