May, 2013


      Homemade Panini

      When you work from home, lunch time can get boring easily. When I’m trying to switch up my regular sandwich or salad for something…

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      5 Tips for Long Lasting Makeup

      {image via Carly Arnwine} Wedding season is in full swing! Rising temperatures, crazy dance floors, happy tears and champagne sipping can lead to a…


      Fair Trade Summer Fun

      {TOMS • Organix Sea Salt Spray • Starbucks •  FAIR. Quinoa Vodka} Maybe you’ve heard buzz words like “fair trade” or “sustainability” regarding various products, like…


      Rhubarb Crisp for One

      Summer has always meant fresh berry pies, strawberry shortcake and rhubarb any way I could imagine it. Maybe it’s because I was born and…


      Why bother working out? Well…

      There has to be a reason so many people (yet, not enough) willingly inflict pain upon themselves work out on a regular basis. In…

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      “Does this blazer make me look like a lesbian?”

      About a year ago at some completely forgettable house party, an old acquaintance worked a rather peculiar proclamation into a conversation with me. “I…