London: The Jane of All Trades’ Guide

It’s safe to say the eyes of the world have been intently focused on London for the past few days. From “Is it a boy or a girl?” to “What is the baby’s last name?” These feverish questions have kept the talking heads on 24-hour news networks well, talking.

Whether or not you agree with the royal hype, one thing that can be agreed on is the magic that is Londontown. The same city that simultaneously gives us one of the oldest monarchies still in existence and the baddest supermodels in the game (shout out to Kate, Cara and Naomi) is a must-visit for any Jane (or Jack!) of all trades.

However, cheap London is not. Nor is it easy to figure out what to see in a city with thousands of years of history. Luckily, as a fellow Jane of All Trades, I’ll break down the must sees for anyone who has come down with a case of wanderlust in the midst of #royalbaby fever.

1) Buckingham Palace

This is a no-brainer for obvious reasons. While it is great to walk the halls and excitedly think to yourself “Oh my god this is technically one of Will and Harry’s homes!” there is actually so much breath-taking history to be seen and heard. While I am a history nerd, being in the World War II room, hearing Winston Churchill address the country while bombs are can be overheard, will send shivers down the spine of even the most apathetic student. The Palace is only open during the warm weather months (closing in November,) so keep that in mind if you are planning a trip.


2) Trafalgar Square

Right smack dab in the middle of London, I ended up spending way more time here than I thought I would. Quite simply a huge square with those iconic lion statues and sprawling fountains, Trafalgar is always humming with activity. Whether it’s a protest, rally or movie premiere (the final Harry Potter movie had it’s world premiere here,) Trafalgar is the perfect place to people-watch. Best part? It’s free!


3) Harrod’s
You won’t be able to afford any cute pieces for your closet here, probably. But Rihanna is known to come here and close off certain parts of the store for her shopping leisure, so go for the possible celebrity sighting. Look at the beautiful designer duds, and when you’re properly depressed, go downstairs to the Diana memorial. Then hit the gift shop (where you easily can find something to take home. No one will know it’s just from the gift shop. All that matters is that green bag!)

4) Camden Market

One word to describe Camden Market? Weird. But it still feels like the heyday of punk, where Vivienne Westwood was just rising to prominence and the Sex Pistols were still together. The weekend market can feel a bit overwhelming, with vendors practically chasing after you for their business, but it’s perhaps the one part of London that could be described as “affordable.” Go for the people-watching, leave with a few punk pieces for your wardrobe.


5) South Bank

South Bank is, in my opinion, the most magical place in the world. Positioned on the River Thames, South Bank has the London Eye and the Houses of Parliament, along plenty of green space. If you don’t get a little misty eyed crossing Millenium Bridge looking at the huge Union Jack flag waving above Parliament, well, I just can’t help ya.


EnglandLondonroyal baby
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  • Reply July 26, 2013


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  • Reply July 30, 2013

    Hilary Badger

    All my favorite spots in the Old Smoke! A walk at night on the South Bank is the most magical thing in the world :)

  • Reply September 10, 2013


    Some of the must-sees of London on this list!