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      Tweet Your Way to a Career?

      Social media is a central part of modern communication across the board without a doubt, but integrating this tool into a job search can…

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      How to Curb those Summertime Blues

      Summer evokes images of sandy beaches and poolside soirees, perhaps with a chilled cocktail in hand. But most of all, we associate summer with…

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      Need a job? Get in line.

      Mae Badiyan understands what it means to be an intern –  and it isn’t always glamorous. But working hard at your internship, even in…

      Noted- Thank yous

      Noted- Thank you notes

      Images: Inslee, Ashley Brooke Designs, On a Good Note Designs, Nico& Lala There are many occasions to send a thank you note including birthday gifts, graduation gifts, condolence…