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understands what it means to be an intern – and it isn’t always glamorous. But working hard at your internship, even in times of stress and strife, is a great way to get a sense of what a certain career path might look like down the road. And it’s a great way to network.
But getting an internship is easier said than done, especially since it’s no secret that they’re pretty darn helpful when the fateful moment comes to apply to enter the Real World work force. Thankfully SLM’s Issue 10 has got some tips for you. Like…
“Your digital presence is your brand. And when you’re on the hunt for a job, employers want to know everything about your brand. I know we’ve all heard this a million times before, but be careful what you post in all digital spaces. Your Facebook is YOU, your Twitter is YOU, your blog is YOU. You want the person that you present in an interview to be the same person that you portray online. This means you, former sorority girls with hilarious pictures from that 80s mixer that turned food fight in college. Companies know how to Google a potential intern – and they will do it!”
Don’t worry, publicizing that you read Sweet Lemon Magazine can only help your chances. Read more of Mae’s tips and tricks, here.