
      Schooled in Fashion Banner


      A pesky rumor has plagued the hallowed halls of our youth for as long as we can remember: teacher fashion is an oxymoron. Sweater…

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      Authentic Inspiration

      “Be creative. Be audacious. Do not be afraid.” Words you might expect to hear from a TED talk rather than Pope Francis, the newly elected…

      Movies to Empower Women

      Films To Empower Women

      Even before the release of Sheryl Sandberg’s book Lean In, the news cycle was buzzing with stories of women’s empowerment and the demand for…

      25 before 25

      25 Before 25 Check In

      Last July, my first Sweet Lemon post included my 25 Before 25 list. While it’s not necessarily a bucket list, it’s a list of 25 things…

      Be Your Own Dream Champion

      Be Your Own Dream Champion

      By many accounts, it is a terrible time to be a Millennial in the work place right now. Underemployment and unemployment remain especially high…

      Olympics Inspired

      Olympics Inspired

      We’re in the middle of Olympics buzz and inspiration is everywhere! (Not to mention my reignited love for Ryan Lochte.) I love the excitement…