The Originals have finally declared war. However, this time it’s different. They aren’t over-the-top, flaunting their powers to the mere mortals and immortals. There is a new power to fear; you can call her Davina, the Teenage Witch.

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Not much is known about Davina. The season premiere merely retold Klaus’ decent into New Orleans through Elijah’s perspective and the second episode flashbacked to a budding Marcel. In the third episode turning point, audiences find out that Davina is the true ruler of the French Quarter. Defying Marcel’s wish and promise to Klaus, we find out that there is a weakness to Marcel and to Klaus’ plan. The weak point is the perspective of power and control. How long will it be until Davina turns on Marcel? If she turns to Klaus, will Klaus be able to control her?
For Davina and Marcel, the plan is to learn how to kill an Original, but we’ve already learned this through The Vampire Diaries (You can catch up on the biting new season here). The White Oak Stake kills an Original vampire and if you kill an Original, then all the vampires in their bloodline will die. It’s old news.
But what is new news is the werewolf- vampire hybrid baby girl. Or is it? At the end of “Tangled up in Blue”, upon determining the sex of Hayley and Klaus’ child, Sabine, a witch, chants a mysterious phrase while experiencing an unseen vision. It appears the Mikaelson clan has a baking bun of danger.
With the inner turmoil of the Mikaelson family, betrayal and jealousy are seeping into the ties that bind. Klaus’ plans are seamlessly dismantling Marcel’s white-picket fence, but Klaus’ jealousy of Elijah and control over Rebekah are unraveling the family. It appears Klaus’ vulnerabilities may be peeking out. His jealousy of Elijah is reappearing and he can’t win over Rebekah. In his extended family, he has taken up his fatherly role with Marcel’s dating life. However, it all may be in Klaus’ master plan. Nevertheless, with a baby on the way, witches on the side, and enemies on the forefront, this doesn’t look like a clear victory for the Mikaelson family. Their downfall may be the black sheep of the family after all.
A volatile creature, Klaus’ manipulation and schemes do come to fruition, but he has yet to be a master of longevity. He may be immortal, but his friendships and alliances are infantile. Does he have the patience to win the war or will his vulnerabilities and subsequent rage be his downfall? If he does win, will ever achieve the loyalty and respect given to Marcel and to Elijah?
Who are you rooting for to win the war? Let us know what you think of this new series in the comments.
By Allyn Woodward