Lessons Learned: Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis


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The importance of trust I’ve always been endlessly fascinated by Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis. At first, I was in love with her sense of style, but I soon began to see how living by some of her lessons could positively impact my own life.

There’s no denying that trust, in whatever aspect of your life, is important. A book I read discussed how she would give no second chance if an individual broke her trust. Like Jackie, I have learned from experience on this particular point, and I increasingly find myself placing importance on the role trust plays in all areas of my life.

Never stop learning
Jackie had an incredible interest in reading, and in her later years, she became an Editor at Viking and at Doubleday. I follow her example and read as much as I can. From political books to laid-back novels, I always find I learn something whatever the literature.

As discussed in one of my previous posts, it is so important to take the time to disconnect from the stresses in your life. Turn off the devices, open the window and breathe deeply!

Make time for your health
Both Jackie and President Kennedy suffered from health issues, and their struggles have reinforced the importance of staying in shape and getting yearly check-ups. Work out more, take walks in your local neighborhood, visit your doctor regularly, and eat healthily!

Always say thank you
Jackie was a dedicated letter writer, always writing and mailing her thank you letters the next day. Saying thank you doesn’t cost much, nor is it that much of an effort. A small gesture can make all the difference, and more often than not, make the recipient’s day. Hand written notes are always best, so why not invest in some gorgeous cards like these?

Preserve history
Jacqueline Kennedy was committed to preserving America’s history. From her time in the White House, to resident of 1040 Fifth Avenue, Kennedy always took a keen interest in the history of her city. Perhaps you feel passionate about a local project and are looking to volunteer, or you want to raise important funds to save history in your area. Whatever the topic, get involved!

Find your inner strength
This is perhaps one of the most valuable lessons I have learned from the former First Lady. All of us are facing personal struggles, and when at our gloomiest, it is so important to have someone we can look up too in the hope that they will provide us with some light. Jacqueline Kennedy reminds me to stay strong whatever the trouble, to retain my poise, my grace and my sense that things will get better.


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