What does the future hold for Wendy Davis?

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Texas State Senator Wendy Davis took America – and the world, by storm with her 13 hour filibuster of a bill that set to impose severe restrictions on the ability of women in Texas to receive reproductive and other crucial healthcare services. Davis has long fought for her district and state, with the issues of public education and voting rights two of her other causes. It is the abortion battle that has firmly catapulted Davis into the public eye, and she is now a public champion and leader for women’s rights.

But what does the future hold for Wendy Davis? It was recently announced that Davis raised $1million in under two weeks, almost one quarter of the entirety of what she raised for her 2012 election. She is now hitting the DC fundraising circuit, holding fundraisers with Democratic senators including Barbara Boxer, Kirsten Gillibrand, Patty Murray and Richard Blumenthal. Davis is also holding a low dollar event, with tickets priced $25 to $250.

There is little doubt that Davis is a galvanizing force in state politics, and following the abortion bill battle, she participated in a bus tour with other Democratic legislators through Texas, taking their message on the road. Davis has also appeared on national political programs, discussing her actions on shows such as Morning Joe, Meet the Press and the Rachel Maddow Show.

It is reported that Davis will decide in the next few weeks whether to run for Governor, and she originally stated that her decision would decide on her ability to raise competitive sums of cash. Davis herself said that her chances of running for higher office have “definitely improved, especially because we are seeing such a broad base of supporters.” The Republican party in Texas are facing a primary contest for the position, and the Democrats currently have no nominee waiting in the wings. Could this be Davis’s time?

Commentators and pundits believe that it will take longer than two years for Texas to turn blue, with some individuals estimating that it could even take eight years. Former Obama campaign individuals are working hard to place cracks in the conservative stronghold, and with a courageous and principled individual such as Wendy Davis’s waiting in the wings, it is clear that this strong mix could be the spark that the Democratic Party needs in Texas to reclaim the state.


wendy davis
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  • Reply July 21, 2013

    Ali Vitali

    Lots of talk about Texas turning blue in 2016. Laura, what do you think?

  • Reply July 25, 2013


    With Wendy Davis participating in fundraisers in DC this week, I hope we will hear something soon!

    I think Davis has a good chance and she certainly is one of the stand-out leaders of the Democratic Party in Texas. Watch this space!

  • […] Wendy Davis made her long expected announcement last week that she will be running for the role of Texas Governor. […]