Meet Spellista: The First Mobile Game Developed Solely for Google Glass

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Glu Mobile is a gaming company based out of San Francisco, CA. They are one of the world’s leaders in 3D Freemium gaming, and they have been in operation since 2001. Some of their popular titles include: Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, Call of Duty: Black Ops Mobile, and Ancient Empires I and II. Their games are developed for iOS, Android, Amazon, Windows Phone, Google Chrome, and now, Google Glass.

The name of the game is Spellista. It was recently revealed at the Google Glass Hackathon event in San Francisco. It is a word puzzle game that features nine environments. In addition, it is interactive, and it allows players to solve word scrambles with the option to share it with other Google Glass users. It also offers peer-to-peer messaging as well as voice tutorial capabilities.

Niccolo de Masi, the CEO of Glu Mobile, stated, “Spellista represents a major shift in interactive digital content and we are proud to support Google as a Glass beta partner. The opportunity to develop for Glass exemplifies Glu’s technology strength and commitment to creating original content for innovative platforms.”

Spellista was created in conjunction with Google’s Glass Development Kit (GDK) beta program. It utilizes Google’s Glass gyroscope, accelerometer, camera, and voice recognition. Sourabh Ahuja, Glu`s VP of Cross-Platform Development, shares, “We value the customer`s experience on the platform and Google`s effort to offer consistency across applications.We worked closely with Google to ensure that Spellista adheres to the Glass experience and feels native to Glassware.”

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The game is novel for Google Glass, and it is 100 percent hands free. Lian Amaris, Spellista Executive Producer, conveyed, “Spellista turns gameplay into an instant communication platform by letting anyone make personalized, interactive content for their friends and family.”

Google Glass was made its debut, in February 2013, with a limited production. A mass release is expected in 2014. It runs on Android 4.0.4 and higher, comes with a camera, a touch pad, and voice recognition. You say the words “Ok Glass” to start up the device. Time Magazine also called it one of the “Best Inventions of the Year 2012.”

Currently, Google is inviting developers to create more applications for Google Glass, so expect an increase in options soon. How do you fee about the future of Google Glass? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!


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1 Comment

  • Reply November 21, 2013

    Laura Suarez-Potts

    I’ve been saving up my money to buy a pair. Hopefully I’ll get one in the next few months.