New Ways to Get More Pinterest Followers

Pinterest has become a phenomenal source to market or promote businesses, ideas, blogs and more. Do you have a business or website that needs promotion? How about a blog or site you wish to thrive with increased views and traffic? If you decide to use Pinterest as the ultimate marketing tool, there are several smart, creative ways to build your page and provide your viewers with everything they’re looking for.

Customize Your Board and Pin Regularly

Image Credit: Simple Homeschool

Image Credit: Simple Homeschool

One of the most important first steps in improving Pinterest marketing is to customize your board and populate it with pins. Visualizations are a crucial part of engaging your site viewers. Bright, vivid colors and catchy phrases are a great way to grab your followers’ attention. Covering your board with custom pins is visually appealing to your audience, which often leads to an engaged community of followers.

When you pin on a regular basis, re-pins increase followers, thus naturally promoting your board. You should also be sure to complete the profile section of your board and include your website link. This gives followers additional information, such as website links and info that may lead to additional website traffic.

Integrate Web Content

Another extremely important tip for improving Pinterest marketing is to integrate web content with Pinterest. Tying website content to your boards boosts followers and increases website traffic between the board and the website. Exposure to both pins and website content provides followers with a more broad perspective of what you may be trying to promote.

Be Accessible and Transparent

Image Credit: Return on Digital

Image Credit: Return on Digital

To improve Pinterest marketing, it is necessary to make yourself accessible as well as transparent. Providing personal information on your board helps your audience to feel more engaged in whatever you’re trying to share with them. Giving your audience customer service numbers and/or an address is a great way to make yourself accessible to your followers. Providing this sort of information grows trust and places your company or blog in a positive light among followers. Detail your profile, bio, and site as much as possible, doing so will likely put you ahead of any competitors.

Be Consistent and Fresh

Consistency is yet another important part of improving your marketing on an ongoing basis. Be sure to keep everything posted on your board up-to-date and fresh to keep your followers interested in what you have to offer them. Try not to leave anything blank and use all of the space on your board that you are given to optimize increasing site traffic. Regularly updating your board and posting new material is a great way to keep current followers interested and often results in re-pins.

While having one specific strategy for marketing with Pinterest is still being explored, these tips are an efficient way to begin and grow your board. Each tip is dependent upon your commitment to grow your business, blog, or idea. How are you updating your Pinterest boards? Let us know in the comments section below!


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