Fleck: The App You’re Not Obsessed With (YET)

Leave it to my mother to one-up me and get ahead in the technology game (her favorite iPhone feature is the two finger pinch-zoom and she adequately applies it to all visuals). So when my mother mentioned a new app I hadn’t yet heard of named Fleck, I knew there had to be something of value there. Turns out, I/she was right.

via Apple.com

via Apple.com

Fleck is a lion among cubs. An app that combines everyone’s love child, Instagram, with a more “tailored to the individual” focus, what more could we ask for? Never again will you have to waste time typing a  into the search bar to unenthusiastically wade through pools of blurry nonsense until you find what you’re actually looking for.

via Apple.com

via Apple.com

Fleck’s unique way of filtering photos (get it?) let’s you cut out the bull nah nah and head for more specific content by viewing categories such as architecture, street style, graphic design, etc. instead of a stream filled with an array of different and supposing sources. An Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr ménage a trois, should we say? Either way, this app is dope and deserves a moment of attention from the inner artiste in you.


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