The Smarty Ring: Smartphone Control Literally at Your Fingertips

Imagine this: a a Bluetooth-enabled wearable device that enables consumers to read smartphone updates, as well as supervise inbound cell phone calls right from their finger. While this might sound like something from the Jetsons, the new technology is just about, well, at your fingertips.

The Smarty Ring allows you to coordinate its functions from a mobile app, and it can even operate the unit as a watch, timer, or phone locator. If you happen to stroll beyond 30 feet from your phone, this ring will let you know.

Here are some of its other features:

  • 24-hour battery life.
  • Android and iOS compatible.
  • Controls music playback.
  • LED screen conveys emails, texts, as well as Facebook and Twitter alerts.
  • May be used as a remote control.
  • Sets up speed dials and time zones.

From the  rumors to smart watches, super accessible technology seems to be on the rise.

The Smarty Ring was designed by Chennai-based engineer, Ashok Kumar. Kumar set up an Indiegogo campaign to raise funding for the production. He only needed $40,000, but the ring raised $299,824 instead.

The device is set to go on sale in April of next year. It will retail for $275. However, you can purchase the ring for $175 if you shop through this online store before December 30th. For further customization; you can also order the ring to size. You can learn more here.

Now that you have several options, will you be sporting wearable tech in the near future? What do you think of the Smarty Ring? Let us know in the comments section below!

UPDATE: The Smarty Ring team has updated their product and has as new version with a scrolling display of caller ID. You can check out their new campaign here.


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  • Reply December 23, 2013

    Lindsey @ Market Me Trendy

    Not sure how I feel about a ring. I’d be up for trying a bracelet or a watch, but a smart ring sounds a little more tricky. How does that work for small fingers? Wouldn’t it be hard to use? It does make me curious, though…

  • Reply December 26, 2013

    Hannah Bennet

    The ring is cute and it looks like fun too.