The Good Old Days: Soul Jams

At last, a playlist with a little bit of soul. Scratch that — a playlist with all of the soul. The songs that built the foundation upon which music from both decades past, and decades to come, have drawn influences from. A playlist that may really impress your parents.

As part one of a three part series, we bring you a list of fifteen of the greatest songs of all time. These songs are brought to you from a time when music was pure, real, and never auto-tuned.

These songs will always be “the” oldies. The ones that our parents grew up buying on vinyl (before it was hip and ironic to own vinyl), and hearing on the radio. So grab your transistor radio, hop in your car, and travel back in time with us for Part I.


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  • Reply September 30, 2013

    This is fantastic!

  • […] All these ingredients combined can only mean one thing: hippies. Last week, we brought you the first part of our three part series of oldies music, a collection of Motown and soul oldies. This week, for Part Two, we’re sweet […]

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