Artist Spotlight: Laura Leighe Music

There is not a doubt in my mind that the duo that makes up Laura Leighe are two very special people. From the moment they picked up their phones for this interview, to the moment I hung up, I enjoyed every second of getting to know Laura and Zach. Little would I have known, that what was to be a simple phone interview would turn into a refreshing 45 minute call talking about life, music and everything in between.

Laura Leighe

Hailing from Oklahoma City, Okla., this fresh pop duo is singer and keyboardist Laura Leighe Stockton and drummer Zach Dumbleton. Laura and Zach, who have been playing together for about two years, both began playing music between the ages of 10 and 12. After years of playing and enjoying music separately, they met through mutual friends at a church in Oklahoma and the pair formed what is today Laura Leighe.

Sweet Lemon was lucky enough to have the chance speak to them and learn more about how they met, the music that shaped them, their current EP and what they have in store in the coming months.

Sweet Lemon: What inspired you to pick up music? Was it something that was always instilled in you?

Laura: Well, my family. It skipped a generation, my parents didn’t sing or play, but I had a lot of people in the family who are extremely talented. I would say I started taking voice lessons at 11 when I saw some other friends in my school were taking lessons and doing competitions and it looked like a lot of fun. I was like ‘oh that looks like fun,’ I didn’t know I would be really gifted at it or anything at that time. So when I started doing competitions and exceeding in it, it made me practice a lot more. I realized I had a gift, so I dedicated my life to share it with the world.

Zach: It was always in me actually, I mean growing up, 4 or 5 years old, always finding something to hit. Beating on the table during dinner, whatever you have. My parents played. My dad played, my mom played, my brothers played.

SL: How did you two meet?

Laura: We met through friends at church. My husband and I lived in L.A. before that and we moved home and I started getting involved in the church here, and [we met] through mutual friends that were in different bands and stuff. He played for me at a show and the onstage chemistry was great. We love the same music and he was super into the solo stuff I was doing. It took my solo act up a big notch, from playing little happy hours to big Friday or Saturday night stages.

I realized I had a gift, so I dedicated my life to share it with the world.

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SL: How would you describe your sound? 

Laura: The sound is progressing. The first EP, like you said, is 50s-60s influence, retro-pop, soul, dance, something like that. I always have loved that kind of stuff growing up. I leaned to love harmonies. I was obsessed with listening to the radio and harmonizing with it when I was in Junior High and it’s kind of grown up with me. We’re going to a different era in the second album coming up, with more 80s and 90s sounding stuff. I’d say some of the new stuff we’re coming out with is a little more Britney Spears, Nelly Furtado.

Zach: Definitely more dance-oriented.

Laura: A lot of our big influences are Bruno  Mars, Ellie Goulding, Taylor Swift, those are some of the big ones.

SL: Who are your biggest musical inspirations? Who did you grow up admiring?

Zach: For me, church music. That’s where I got started. Creed, they were a big influence. Emory.

Laura: I was into everything. I’ve always been into lots of genres of music. Pop was a huge one for me, of course. Mariah Carey, Boys II Men, I wore those out. And then, a little bit of country growing up, as well. I got into the oldies phase, I went through a disco phase, I went through the Motown phase, I just kind of fell in love with all genres of music.

SL: What do you hope to portray through your music?

Laura: The next single we’re going to release, it’s called “Next Please,” is just about girls not settling for guys who don’t treat them right, and things like that. It’s basically just an anthem of “Next Please” I’m just not gonna stand for this.

Zach: Or the other way around. There are some shady girls out there.

Laura: Not just girls, let’s say that. That’s the message we want to portray, being a kind of positive light in the world is what we’re going for.

Zach: Being joyful, having hope. There’s so much darkness and crap in the world, we want to be a light and just bring joy to people through our music.

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SL: What are you doing next? Are you going on tour?

Laura: You can expect the new single with the video we just shot in L.A. That will be accompanied by an EP. We’re hoping to release the single in the next month or so, and then the EP following. We plan to move to LA again, and we hope to have another tour. We don’t have one set up right now, just kind of seeing what happens with the releases and everything.

Zack: It is in the future though.

Laura: We have one single from the EP out now and it’s called “Run For You

SL: I saw that, it’s a great song! Tell me how that song came about.

Laura: It just kind of all came together when I lived in Oklahoma, my husband who got a job in LA in TV before we got married, and he needed to move home [Oklahoma] after we got engaged. I know some people look down on the concept of going somewhere for someone, but I just kind of like that old-fashioned mentality. If it’s good, I just kind of like that, and it’s one of those things where it’s like ‘I’m old-fashioned I’ll run for you wherever you go’. That’s how that was inspired, and it turned out perfect.

SL: Can you give some insights of the video for the new single?

Laura: “Next Please” is featuring rapper/singer , he was on Season 2 of The Voice. Since it’s called “Next Please” it’s going to be a funny, lighthearted take on the concept of bad and better. It’s a very fun 90s kind of feel. Moses and I have a good chemistry performing together and Zack looks cool drumming.

I just kind of fell in love with all genres of music.

SL: How did you meet Moses?

Laura: I met him through my producer in L.A. That’s how we met and I just thought he would be perfect for this track. He definitely brings a cool, fun different element to the song.

SL: What else do you like to do in your free time? Outside of your music who are you?

Laura: I am a workout fiend, I go to Zumba® all the time. I go to Zumba, yoga and pilates. I am a wife so I like to cook, and shopping is great. I’m very into fashion and all those things.

Zack: Gym, I do a lot of sports, basketball, softball. Playing drums I do for fun.

Laura: He watches videos of drummers online.

SL: How would you feel if you heard one of your songs in Zumba?

Laura: I have before actually. I have an awesome Zumba instructor who I became really good friends with who will play it sometimes. And actually, I’ve heard it at the gym because our music video “Lovesick Spaceship” has aired through Gold’s Gym network nationwide. So it was really exciting. I came out of the ladies room one day and was about to walk into Zumba and the first notes of the song came on and I went crazy. I looked like an insane person running around the gym. I had the manager take my picture on the treadmill with a thumbs up.

SL: If you could meet any musician who would it be?

Laura: Bruno Mars, he’s amazing

Zack: Bruno Mars, Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Justin Timberlake

SL: Top five favorite albums?

Laura: Boys II Men II, Nichole Nordeman Wide Eyed, OneRepublic Dreaming Out Loud, Mariah Carey Greatest Hits, Bruno Mars Unorthodox Jukebox. Bruno Mars has been so influential to me.

SL: What advice would you give to someone looking to start a career like this? Or to pursue their dreams in general?

Zack: Don’t give up. Like, honestly if you love it, stick to it. Don’t give up, don’t listen to what other people have to say and you can do anything you set your mind to.

Laura: Absolutely. And bloom where you’re planted, too. You just have to make your own way and do your thing where you are and people will respond.

Zack: Shake off the haters.

Laura: Make it your job in one way or another. Make it a priority daily.

Zack: Be with the right people too. People with common interests and goals and visions. Spend your time with them.

If you’re looking for new music, I highly suggest taking a listen to Laura Leighe. Not only are they incredibly talented musicians, but they also each have a refreshing, down-to-earth personality that is evident in every note of their music. Just like their music, this duo is upbeat, fun and exciting.

To learn more about Laura Leighe visit their website, , or ! You can also find them on iTunes, here.


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