Baylee Zwart of Azlee Jewelry

There just seems to be something about travel that stirs creativity. For Baylee Zwart, she always knew her future was in fashion. But it was a trip to Guatemala that inspired her to create Azlee Jewelry, which launched this winter. Jewelry made with precious metals and stones, Zwart imagines the Azlee girl to be an “independent spirit with a worldly vibe.” Sweet Lemon sat down with Zwart asked her about all things fashion, inspiration and travel. Read on!

Sweet Lemon Magazine: What took you to Guatemala in the first place?

Baylee Zwart: I had worked at Glamour and Allure magazines the summer before I graduated and loved the fashion world, but went to a school that opened my eyes to social justice and community outreach. I was longing to combine those two worlds and live abroad again in a Spanish speaking country (I had lived abroad in Spain my


junior year) and push myself out of my comfort zone again. Through my school I actually heard of this fair-trade accessories non-profit called Mercado Global that sounded totally up my alley. I contacted the founder and was offered an internship in Guatemala doing photography, product development & design and consumer research. It was perfect. The chance to be immersed in a foreign land, doing photography and accessories seemed like the perfect opportunity to combine my love for fashion with my love for social justice.

SLM: Did you always know that you wanted to work in fashion? When did you realize that fashion was your life calling?

BZ: I have always loved fashion and design but had no idea what part I would play in that world. My mom was aclothing designer, and my father a photographer. I think because of that I have always seen the world through creative eyes. I have always felt that the way you dress is an extremely powerful thing – just through what you wear you make people believe so many different things about you. I am very drawn to the power of that.

While traveling in Morocco a few years prior I fell madly in love with these majestic quartz stones I found. Right before I moved to Guatemala I had some of the quartz cut in hopes of someday having a ring made using the stones. By chance I brought some of these with me down to Guatemala, and while I was working there I heard of a local jeweler that did metalsmith-ing. I loved the idea of making my dream ring myself. I worked with him and was completely hooked. From then on it was all I could think about. It kept me up at night, I would dream about pieces, and I started keeping a little flash light next to me just so in the middle of the night, when I would wake up with a vision in my head I could sketch it right then and there. I knew then that I had to find a way to keep doing it and keep designing the jewels of my dreams.


SLM: What was the scariest/most challenging thing about starting your own line?

BZ: Definitely putting myself out there creatively at the beginning. I didn’t go to art school so I didn’t have much experience with the process of expressing myself and my ideas. Also with just understanding my own creative process, and how I work best, and how my brain works, etc. I feared showing people so much, but when it came down to it, and the line was finally finished, it actually wasn’t hard at all. I was so proud and had put so much time and thought into it at that point I didn’t even care if people didn’t like it. I know how personal jewelry is, and everyone has a slightly unique taste, and some jewelry just don’t resonate with people. But I wanted to share it with everyone because I just wanted people to see it after that much hard work, and have it be out there in the world. Another challenge was taking that leap of faith and leaving my full time job at TOMS to pursue my passion. Thats always terrifying.


SLM: What is your ultimate goal for Azlee jewelry?

BZ: To establish myself in the luxury jewelry industry and be able to maintain relevancy for the end goal of being able to help ocean-related causes. My goal is to make an amazing product, with solid followers, to enable us to give in bigger and bigger ways and eventually fund certain projects that the non-profits we work with need support with. I also hope to eventually have a better platform to educate our consumers on the state of the ocean and inspire other brands in the luxury space to incorporate doing good into they business models.

SLM: When life gives you lemons…

BZ: Sell ‘em on EBay…someone will want them.

All pieces of Azlee Jewelry are proudly made in California. Each collection will donate its proceeds to ocean-related causes. For the inaugural season, Zwart that organization The Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito, CA. To browse more pieces and learn more, visit the Azlee Jewelry and page.


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