Milwaukee: A Girl’s Guide to Getting Involved

Earlier this year, I attended Milwaukee’s Young Professional Week and was approached with the concept that “You Can Always Do More.” Seriously?! Do MORE? Most of us are already bogged down with a 40+ hour work week, personal commitments, family, book clubs, sporting events, and etc. But what I have learned since then is that yes, you can in fact do more, and it will make your life and community better!

Milwaukee is filled with opportunities to “do more.” We are a growing city filled with passionate young people looking to make a difference. There are countless organizations, clubs, and networking groups in which to get involved. So how do you narrow down which one is right for you?

Do you have a passion for helping others? Do you have a desire to see women and children succeed in your community? Welcome to WGIRLS, Inc. Founded in 2007 in New York City by Amy Heller with the mission to “provide underprivileged women and children in local communities, and in times of international crisis around the world, with the support and resources necessary to achieve health, happiness, and the ability to lead productive and successful adult lives,” this international organization is the place for you. WGIRLS Milwaukee is committed to giving back the community and having a great time doing it. From the Annual Bachelor/Bachelorette Auction (this year donating $25,000 to Meta House) to the “Hope for the Holidays” event, these ladies are making a great name for themselves! (Check out their website to find your local chapter!)

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If you are looking to “Enrich, Empower, and Inspire,” check out ART Milwaukee. As we see Art Programs trickling out of our educational system, these folks are bringing it back to the community, full force. With a mission to connect those who appreciate art to those who create it, ART Milwaukee acts as the glue to fuse these groups together. They focus on educating businesses about the benefits of supporting local artists and ensure the sustainability of Milwaukee’s art scene by promoting emerging artists and providing art education and programming to all ages. And they offer the ART Bus – a school bus tour of galleries around the city complete with live music, free beer, and great people. Does it get much better than that?

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It’s not what you know; it’s who you know. Networking is essential for all Millennials to grow in their careers, but it can be a mundane task, simply handing out your business cards to a bunch of overdressed stiffs. Insert NEWaukee. This group of young professionals has set the bar for networking in Milwaukee. They have found the perfect balance of business networking and exploring the city. From regular happy hour events to their Annual Urban Island Beach Party, this is the place to make connections and show some love to local establishments.

So there you have it. Now, do yourself a favor, get out in your community, and DO MORE!


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