DC: Last week on The Hill? 8 ways to live it up

{Photo via MenuPix}

{Photo via MenuPix}

One by one the interns are packing up their Vera Bradley bags and heading back home.  Soon enough we will all be heading back to college, but where did the summer go?  How is it that I’m still not tan?

Let’s live it up for our last week on The Hill:

  1. Ted’s Bulletin Homemade pop tarts: This one does not need an explanation.
  2. Jazz in the Garden sponsored by The National Gallery of Art: Happens every Friday night 5:00 to 8:30 pm. Pack your blanket and some fresh fruit and enjoy the city life.
  3. Run on the Mall: Throw on your norts, lace up your Nike’s, and try an evening run on the mall.  Be sure to dodge the softball and kickball teams — they get pretty intense.
  4. P.O.V. at sunset: Undoubtedly one of the best views of D.C.  Stop by here for a happy hour to watch the sunset and try to peak in the windows of the White House.
  5. Eastern Market: Buy your airplane read at Capitol Hill Books but be sure to block off a few hours for their killer political section.
  • Don’t forget to try DC Donuts! They are mini and you can choose your own toppings, not sure they need more of a sales pitch than that.

6. Write your thank you notes: You most likely did a lot of various projects during your time on the Hill.  Regardless of if you updated a spreadsheet for that guy whose cube you never found or if you were working face to face with your boss every day, thank you notes and your business card are what get you the good recommendations.  No former supervisor ever forgets a handwritten note – especially if it’s pink and scented. …Just kidding, we’re not advocating the Elle Woods approach here

7. One last Good Stuff Toasted Marshmallow milkshake. Because to hell with it, there’s a gym at college.

8. Monuments at night: One last stroll around the monuments at night with your pals to commemorate the memories you made, the work you accomplished, and your summer spent in one of the most powerful cities in the world.

You did it, congrats!  You officially survived your first summer in the District.  Three Cheers at brunch, and see you next summer.


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1 Comment

  • Reply July 30, 2013


    Jazz in the garden is the best! A definite do-not-miss for anyone in DC on a Friday.