DC Friends IRL

blogging friends IRL
Me, Heather & Alex

This week, I’ve decided to take a break from blogging about the upcoming holidays (which, if you know me, is VERY hard, I love everything holiday!) and write about blogger friends IRL.

First, I must say, I had no idea what “IRL” even meant before blogging for Sweet Lemon Magazine. But thanks to & , I am now well informed. (It means “in real life”, by the way.)

Two friends IRL that I am now lucky to have are fellow DC Zesty Digest bloggers, & .

Alex and I first met IRL at a Levo League Professional Influencer Dinner last month. She is absolutely fabulous and if you don’t read her posts, you should start! Alex and I both love thank you notes, classic items and hosting! She is full of positive energy and has a zest for life. She has also gained an active role in DC LocalLEVO (Levo deserves a separate post of its own).

Heather and I first met through Jr. League of Washington a few years ago. We still serve on the same recruitment committee and she has the most adorable blog, Pineapples and Pearls. Oddly enough, we attended rival colleges (full disclosure: I’m not from Virginia so I could care less, whoops!). Heather quickly became a fan of the Zesty Digest and I am so thrilled she is now involved with Sweet Lemon. Like Alex, Heather also enjoys preppy finds and hosting, plus I want her hair!

All three of us are always trying to get together, often through Levo League events in DC, Drybar blowouts and now with the holidays coming up, festive outings. The best part is that we all live within just a few blocks of one another. I guess great minds think alike when it comes to real estate and neighborhoods too?

Just recently, we all went ice skating at the Washington Harbour’s brand new rink in Georgetown. While I absolutely made a fool of myself (we don’t exactly take ice skating lessons in the Sunshine State), it was a blast.

Growing up you meet great friends through school and play-dates. In college, it was sororities, parties, classes and dorm halls. Post college it has been work, events, friends of friends and now through blogging! Thank you Zesty Digest for bringing us all together – your DC team is quite amazing if I do say so myself!

Up next? DC Zesty Digest meets NYC Zesty Digest – stay tuned!


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