Cover Girls: Bitches Who Brunch

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This week, our inaugural Lemon Ladies are none other than Sweet Lemon’s Spring cover girls, Cori Sue Morris and Becca Clara Love of Bitches Who Brunch.

Cori Sue and Becca are BFFs, fashionistas, do-it-all, 20-something women who love brunching (something most of us can probably relate to — hello french toast and mimosas!). While the term “Bitch” may be somewhat controversial to most, I promise you, these ladies and their blog are anything but.

The site follows the duo as they brunch their way around the nation’s capital and critique each meal, grading restaurants on a school-like A to F scale. If you are at a loss for where to brunch, the also site includes a handy “Where shall we brunch?” search engine that recommends brunch spots based on price, rating, and location, among other criteria if you’re looking to be extra choosey.

You can also follow the “Bitches on Vacay” with reviews from New York to Florida. But these two do more than just brunch — they write about charity events, restaurant openings, lifestyle interests (see: District Divas) and of course, fashion (see: The Lust List).I don’t think we could of picked two more fabulous ladies to kick off our LLOTW pick (Lemon Lady of the Week).

For more on The Bitches, their recommendations, events and recipes,  check out the cover story in our latest April/May 2013 Issue on pg. 80, and follow them here: .

Until next time,

Bitches Who BrunchBrunch
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