Sponsored Video: The Catdance Film Festival

Let’s face it, everyone loves cats. The internet really loves cat. Even Miley loves cats! Cat-urday? We’re into it. Need something right meow? We know you do. Cats are a cultural phenomenon and we’re pretty sure they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon – and we’re cool with that.

With all of this cat love, it’s no wonder Fresh Step decided to celebrate anything and everything cat related with their Catdance Festival campaign. The festival features tons of cat inspired videos, originally directed and produced by cat lovers around the country. The winning films will even be shown at the Catdance Film Festival in Park City, Utah in January 2014!

Check out one of our favorite feline flicks below, and for more, go to Fresh Step’s Catdance Festival page!

This post is sponsored by Fresh Step. 

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1 Comment

  • Reply December 15, 2013

    The Wonderful Web

    […] you’re a cat person, you’ll love this. A film festival for cat […]