We’re Sweet On: Starbucks Secret Menu

The argument for supporting local coffee shops and cafes is completely valid, however, sometimes Starbucks is the only thing that will do. That red holiday cup promising your favorite holiday flavors with caffeine? Only at the bucks is it done right. Peppermint mochas, crème brulee, eggnog, and gingerbread lattes might seem like the ultimate indulgence. That is, until you’ve seen the Starbucks secret menu.

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There are many websites with Starbucks secret recipes, however, we took a look at StarbucksSecretMenu.net . The possibilities to fill that red holiday cup are limitless. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before order one of the designer drinks, per recommendation of the site.

1. Make sure to have the recipe, not just the name of the drink, on hand. Chances are the barista won’t know how to make your special drink (the menu is that secret).

2. Also, if there’s a long line, it is probably not the best time to order a high maintenance drink. That is, unless you’re in the mood to deal with the wrath of impatient people who have yet to drink their morning coffee.

Here are a few current favorite flavors to inspire.

Candy Cane Frappuccino

A simple, yet festive and refreshing, recipe.

Vanilla Bean Frappuccino
Add peppermint syrup (1 pump tall, 1.5 pumps grande, 2 pumps venti)

Red Candy Apple Frappuccino

Just like those pretty shiny red candy coated apples.

Apple juice to the bottom line of the cup
Add raspberry syrup (1.5 tall, 2 grande, 2.5 venti)
Add classic syrup (2 tall, 3 grande, 4 venti)
Add scoop of ice and blend
Top with whip and a pump of caramel drizzle

Hot Butterbeer Latte

Hey Harry Potter fans, want to pretend you actually received your Hogwart’s admittance letter from an owl this year? Try the Butterbeer Latte and imagine you’re taking a trip to Hogsmead instead of the office.

Whole milk steamer
Add caramel syrup (2 tall, 3 grande, 4 venti)
Add toffee nut syrup (2 tall, 3 grande, 4 venti)
Add cinnamon dolce syrup (2 tall, 3 grande, 4 venti)
Whipped cream and salted caramel bits on top
Optional caffeine addition: a shot or two of espresso

Enjoy your pick me up beverage in an even more decadent way. We’d love to hear your experience ordering from the secret menu, or if you have any new and delicious secret recipes to share in the comments below, through our  or 


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  • Reply December 12, 2013


    The candy cane frap is okay because it’s just adding peppermint, but the rest are obnoxious. There are many, many choices on the Starbucks menu and if you don’t like what’s offered, buy your coffee drinks somewhere else.

  • Reply December 23, 2013

    Local: Winter To-Do List in Milwaukee | Sweet Lemon Media

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