The Scoop on Chia Seeds

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Go to your local health foods store and you will undoubtably cross paths with the newest health craze: the chia seed. Rewind 10 years and you might recall another run-in with this little seed known as “the pottery that grows.” Yes, this is the same seed that made your chia pet possible. Why is there so much hype about chia seeds? Read on and you’ll likely be thinking of ways to incorporate this tiny seed into every meal!

Remember this little guy? {Image via}

Remember this little guy? {Image via}

Chia got its name from the Mayan word for “strength.” They are also known as the “Indian Running Food.” Chia seeds contain five times more calcium than milk, seven times more vitamin C than oranges, double the antioxidants found in blueberries, three times more iron than spinach, five times more protein than kidney beans, twice the potassium of a banana, and eight times more Omega 3 than salmon (phew!). They are a complete protein containing all nine essential amino acids. Seriously, what more could you ask from single food? Chia seeds are a true overachiever!

Chia seeds deliver the maximum amount of nutrients with the minimum amount of calories. They have many of the same benefits as the ever popular flax seed; however, the body can absorb chia seed’s nutrient directly from the seed (which is not the case for flax seeds), eliminating the need to grind them to reap the benefits.

Chia seeds absorb 12 times their weight; when in your body, they help you stay hydrated, and feel full longer. Below are a few of the many reasons chia seeds have recently become so popular.

Five BIG Reasons to Start Eating Chia Seeds:

  1. Promote Weight Loss: Chia seeds expand when placed in liquid, making you feel fuller, longer. The idea is that this will curb your appetite to aid weight loss efforts.
  2. Provide Energy: Chia seeds aid in eliminating toxins in your system, are a complex carbohydrate that breaks down slowly, help to regulate electrolyte levels in your system, and therefore help bolster and maintain energy.
  3. Improve Blood Sugar Levels: The glycemic index of chia seeds is very low, so blood sugar levels remain stable, unlike with refined carbohydrates. The trifecta of fiber, protein, and complex carbs make you feel full longer, slowing digestion and, in turn, regulating blood sugar levels.
  4. Support Intestinal Regularity: Chia seeds clean out debris in your intestines, detoxing the body and aiding in regularity.
  5. Prevent Cancer and other Diseases: Chia seeds’ high level of essential fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties. This reduction in inflammation lowers the risk for heart disease, arthritis, and some cancers.

There are many different pre-made products containing chia seeds on the market, but they are very easy to incorporate into many of your daily foods and meal. Try adding them to your drinks; when in liquid, an interesting gel forms around the seed that most people either love or hate. You can also add them to smoothies, yogurt, baked goods, dips, and salad dressings. The possibilities are truly endless!


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  • Reply August 10, 2013


    Be careful when choosing to eat Chia seeds because they show up as an opiate on drug tests. A friend of mine got a great internship that required a drug test and she failed because of the chia seeds. Unfortunately, some companies do not give you the chance to explain so just be careful with your timing.

  • […] seeds are tiny but fierce and one of my favorite nutrient dense bites. Chia seeds are edible seeds from a dessert plant in Mexico and were used by ancient Aztec warriors during long […]