When Food Becomes Art

I don’t know about you guys, but I believe that food can most definitely be art. I have been lucky enough to eat at some of the most renowned restaurants across the world and these meals have not only been an amazing culinary experience, but they have also taught me that the culinary world is pure artistry. From the presentation to the flavors that come together in your mouth, a delicious meal can be made even better when it is presented beautifully and uniquely.

When I got ahold of these advertisements from the French coffee brand Carte Noire, it is safe to say that I was stunned. The brand takes not only ads, but food to a new level. They definitely entice an audience in regards to advertising, but they basically create short films surrounding the preparation of these delicious looking desserts. Definitely art to me. Check out the four videos below and let us know what you think in the comments below!

By Zoë Björnson

Shout out to BuzzFeed for their awesome gifs of the videos and taking it the next level (read: food porn). You can see their post here.

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