
Cooking class

Home Cooking

Last weekend I went to New Paltz for my best friend’s 21st birthday. I was very excited once I heard how we were celebrating:…

Am I baseball fan

Am I a Baseball Fan?!

If it’s October then baseball is ubiquitous. And if your hometown team is in the playoffs, you better eat, sleep and breathe baseball –…

If you’re a social media nerd like me, you probably have noticed there have been a few changes to Twitter and Facebook lately. Apart…

pumpkin potluck

Pumpkin Potluck

Halloween costume parties, tree trimming Christmas parties, Fourt of July cookouts. There are standard holiday fare such as these fabulous seasonal shindigs but how…

Tailgating essentials

Tailgating Essentials

We’re a month into football season which means we’re well into tailgating season as well! With many schools’ homecomings coming up in the next…

Proud of me

Proud of Me

(image via…) My mother keeps telling me I need to slow down. I thought she was crazy. But today, I realized that if I…