A Response to “5 Reasons to Date a Girl with an Eating Disorder”

Returnofkings.com has struck again with another Pulitzer Prize winning piece of journalism. “5 Reasons to Date a Girl with an Eating Disorder” was published November 13, 2013, and, appropriately, has caused quite the internet stir.




Once you finish banging your head on the table at the title, the article actually gets worse. The five unbelievable reasons include:

1. Her obsession over her body will improve her overall looks.

2. She costs less money.

3. She’s fragile and vulnerable.

4. Probably has money of her own.

5. She’s better in bed.

Now, I would love to write a 25-minute long monologue on why each individual reason is absurd and appalling not only to the female population but also to victims of eating disorders. Instead, however, I would just like to personally thank the editor-in-chief for allowing an article of this caliber to run on their website, under their letterhead.

While a very good friend of mine at school articulated a beautiful response to the article with personal experience, I would like to address the site’s editor-in-chief, who should receive as much blame as the article’s author.

1.       This piece of “journalism” is trash. The article does not support any organization, or promote the work of any person.

2.       Your article highlights a disorder, a disease rampant in our country, and the world—and supports it.

3.       Your article generalizes and objectifies women in an appalling matter, speaking only of her body and material possessions- ignoring ideals of her personality or passions.

4.       You have made your company stand for devaluing women, but touching on some of the most sensitive subjects to women (and men!) by publishing this piece.

5.       If you think a girl will ever date you again, sayonara.

Most people my age have had direct experience with eating disorders through friends, families, or personal experience.  The disease is incredibly connected to depression, self-harm, and suicide. First, According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, 91% of women surveyed on a college campus have attempted to control their weight through dieting. Beyond that, 86% of women report onset of their eating disorder by the age of 20.  To support, in writing, the plethora of diseases that mar relationships, friends, and family you have done the journalistic world, and yourself, no favors.


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  • Reply November 29, 2013


    C’maannn. ED’s are not that big a deal. #WhiteGirlProblems

    • Reply November 30, 2013

      Margaret Mulkerrin

      Hey Truthteller,

      I have to say I do not agree. Regardless of your personal interaction with the diseases themselves, my article addresses the notion of allowing an attacking piece of journalism to be published. I hope you never have a personal experience with eating disorders because they are incredibly damaging to many people. I also hope you recognize that diseases do not discriminate–eating disorders can affect all races, ages and personal histories.

      • Reply November 30, 2013


        “a disease rampant”
        but not deadly…
        Anorexia kills 150 people yearly.
        There are many more “diseases” worth worrying more about.

        The author of the article is supporting women by showing how he’ll accept their right to chose and accepting them for their mental illness and personality.

        • Reply November 30, 2013

          Ali Vitali


          I’m all about pro-choice. In fact, I’ve written on it more than a few times and I have a feeling it’s something I’ll write about for a long time. I’m also all about accepting the choices of others, even if they are not those decisions you’d make yourself, as well as different personalities, etc. But you’re fooling yourself if you think “The Kings’” argument is one that seeks to better and empower womankind through their “acceptance.”

          They are glorifying an illness that many women (and men!) struggle with — and just because the death statistics don’t seem to measure up to your standards of whether or not we should care and focus on them does not make the struggle any less real, difficult, or harrowing.

          If this were about supporting women, “The Kings” would be writing about how curves are beautiful — or that self-confidence is sexy — not that a woman’s emotional fragility and vulnerability are pro’s in a relationship to be used and manipulated to the man’s benefit. Eating disorders are not just an affliction of the body, but of the mind. They chip away at a woman’s self-confidence and posts like this of “The King’s” seek to continue that erosion.

          It’s up to you what causes you concern yourself with. I’m just fine keeping the focus on supporting and empowering women — not tearing them down in cowardly blog post listicles. I’ll hold it down on this end, you go find those other more “worth worrying about” causes.

  • Reply November 30, 2013


    Just because the article doesn’t refer to women’s passions or personality doesn’t make it misogynist.

  • Reply November 30, 2013


    I am going to have to disagree with “Emancipator” – the author is not supporting women in any way. By saying it is beneficial to date a girl that is “fragile and vulnerable” does not do anything for women, it only pushes them down. What are you (the author) trying to say to the women and girls out there? I can tell you, the author is doing nothing good for society. It’s honestly sad that he has to hide behind a pen name just to write this stuff. Grow up.

  • Reply December 4, 2013

    Bess Hoskins

    Margaret: this encompasses all the sass of you with all the intelligence. I love it, and I love this promotion for mental health awareness and health in general. The world needs much more of it. You go.

    Also, To: Emancipator,
    You are saying a disease isn’t all that important if it doesn’t kill a bunch of people. That it doesn’t deserve attention and sympathy? As a chronic illness warrior, I can tell you, that statement is embarrassing and ignorant beyond measure. All diseases, no matter the statistics behind them, matter. Each and everyone deserves awareness, attention, and attempts to understand them. They affect lives in more ways than you could possibly understand, and they affect the lives of those who love and care for the diagnosed. You have so so much to learn. But just learn how to be empathetic, first and foremost.

    • Reply December 5, 2013

      Margaret Mulkerrin

      Bess, I could not agree more. The importance and impact of diseases has nothing to do with their statistics.